So how does a not for profit church-affiliated school maintain an annual budget that exceeds $2.7 million? The majority of our support comes from the families that use our school. Another significant portion is provided by the people of St. Paul Lutheran Church through their offerings.
St. Paul Lutheran School also depends on the generosity of individuals and groups to make our ministry to over 400 area children possible.
Below, please find some avenues for folks to share God’s blessings with the children of St. Paul Lutheran School.
St. Paul Lutheran Endowment Fund – St. Paul Lutheran Church and School has established a format for giving gifts that last well into the future. A gift to the Advancement of the Spirit of St. Paul Endowment Fund can be specified for support of the on-going ministry of St. Paul Lutheran School as one of the four potential fund designees. This St. Paul Lutheran School account will provide student tuition assistance, academic & enrichment programs, and staff education assistance.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) – Our PTO organizes one (you read that right) fund raising event each year. The event generates up to $80,000 annually to fund the various PTO services to our students. It also provides funds for major efforts like technology upgrades, classroom libraries, new playgrounds, outdoor classrooms, and a new running track. For more information on how to be a part of PTO, contact the office.
Scholarship Fund – There are many families who desire a Christian, high quality education for their Kindergarten through 8th grade student. But family finances make full tuition payments an impossibility. Gifts to the St. Paul Lutheran School Scholarship Fund allow the school to come alongside families and share some of the financial sacrifice. No family comes without making a financial contribution to their child’s education, but scholarship assistance can make the difference. And you can help through your gifts to the Scholarship Fund.
Special Project Appeals – Look for links to special project appeals where generous gifts can make a huge difference. Often these gifts are able to be matched through the generosity of others. Our recently dedicated running track is the one example of a project funded through a Special Project Appeal in the last five years. Over $60,000 was raised in three months to supplement the PTO investment in this $106,000 project.