Leading in Worship and Christian Teaching


We believe that young Christian leaders need the opportunity to take an active role in leading fellow believers in worship. It is a big step to go from being part of the crowd to being up front and telling about what God has done and is doing.

Student Led Chapel Services

Students as young as Kindergarten have opportunities to lead their fellow students and leaders in one of our weekly student chapel services. Typically students prepare a message, often a skit; they write and share prayers; choose and even lead songs; read scripture; basically doing it all from start to finish. And they step up, speaking and functioning boldly, having fun but also presenting a clear teaching.

Student Praise Bands, motion teams and tech teams enhance worship weekly.

Advent Services

Children from PK through 5th grade and select middle schoolers actually lead parents, SPL members, and guests through the journey of preparation for the birth of Christ. These students lead and perform music, share scripture, present the message and offer prayers during these Wednesday evening services throughout December.

It is amazing how students can gain such confidence in speaking and singing for large groups of people. And the testimony of their faith and anticipation of Christmas is heart-warming.

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