St. Paul Lutheran School has long believed that education is a partnership between parents, students and school. Keeping communication lines open and providing more information and insight is crucial to maintaining that partnership.

FACTS SIS is an on-line school management and information system. Adopted by SPLS in 2011, FACTS SIS has proved to be a key tool for enhancing openness and communication. Enrollment and re-enrollment is facilitated by FACTS SIS.

Student and parents can access class assignments, schedules, teacher lesson plans, homework assignments, web resources, and the grade book through FACTS SIS.

Teachers use it for recording attendance and lunch orders. It is a prime communication tool as it makes sending e-mail communications to students and parents very easy. Report cards, progress reports and academic awards are all processed through FACTS SIS. And health and behavior reports are documented there.

Recently we have added the ability to send parents text messages when swift communication is needed. New parents and students in grades 3-8 receive access to FACTS SIS as part of their enrollment process.


FACTS SIS Parent Login

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